Lessons Policy

Clear and objective, here is our Online Lessons Policy.

Learning Plans & Courses

All the features included in each Learning Plan or Courses are stated in their specific pages:

Piano Lessons & WaitLiszt
Music Creation Lessons
Piano for Professionals
Lessons in Braga
PianoClass for Kids

Academic Calendar

Visit the PianoClass Academic Calendar page to learn about our working days and hours and to see scheduled events and lessons.

A new Learning Plan can start at any time of the year and includes little breaks and extra activities throughout the year to optimize the musical learning and life experience.

The Office Hours and Special Activities are also scheduled on Google Calendar and can be seen on the Academic Calendar page.

Punctuality & Lesson Material

Live lesson
     🗸 have ALL your learning material at hand before your lesson time
     🗸 adjust your bench and start a new meeting on zoom to adjust your camera and microphone
     🗸 enter your teacher’s lesson room 1-2min before the time and check your settings

Recorded lesson
     🗸 upload your videos and files by at least 1 hour before the scheduled time
     🗸 ensure they will be ready and available in time for the teacher’s recording

     🗸 If you realize you will be late for your lesson (live or recorded), let us know via WhatsApp as soon as possible and before the first 10min of your lesson.
     🗸 We always wait for 10 minutes, but without any notification of a delay, the lesson will be considered given, and the instructor will no longer be available for the remaining time.

Safety and Privacy

We value your safety and privacy, and therefore we need to be clear about our recording policy.

Individual lessons
You are already authorized to record your lessons, and the instructor may do the same. However, these recordings are yours, and PianoClass may only use these materials after receiving your (or your legal representative’s) authorization.

Special Activities
The videos recorded in or for the Special Activities are PianoClass’s property. Your participation in these events implies your authorization to use the images and audios on a variety of public media.

Digital Platforms
As the lessons happen through virtual media, PianoClass is not accountable for any issues related to the video call platforms, cloud services, or any other learning apps.

We suggest you have a regular backup of your files on these platforms to avoid losing any material.

Technical Problems

We always have a backup plan ready in case your main device or internet connection fails during your lesson and encourage the students to do the same.

Instructor issues
If the instructor has thecnical problems on their side, the student may choose among:
     🗸 transferring the lesson or the remaining time of the lesson to another day/time of their preference
     🗸 having the remaining time of lesson as a recorded lesson

Student issues
If the student faces technical problems during the lesson, this will be our protocol:
      the instructor will guide the student – to the best of their knowledge and means – to solve the issue and make the best use of your lesson’s time
      student and teacher may decide to move to the backup plan (like using a smartphone with Zoom)
      if non of the above works, the instructor will provide practice guidance, and the lesson will be considered given.
The instructor may also record the remainder of your lesson if the student has sent videos from their practice or has presented enough material before the technical problem occurs.

Missing Lessons

By the teacher
It is rare, but if the instructor can’t be teach due to health issues, in-person emergency, or a professional improvement event, you may choose one of the following options:
     🗸 transfering the lesson to the end of your learning plan or another day/time that would work for you
     🗸 having the lesson with another PianoClass instructor
     🗸 receiving written guidance and a recorded lesson from our library – which will be relevant to your repertoire

By the student
If you realize you will miss a lesson, let your teacher know as soon as possible and either reschedule it or plan to have it recorded.
     🗸 By 12 hours BEFORE your lesson, try to reschedule it (rescheduling calendar) for before or up to 10 days after the missed lesson.
     🗸 Notify your teacher by 10 minutes AFTER the lesson’s start time through WhatsApp. Upoload videos from your last practices and your teacher will record your lesson in the remaining time.
      Your notification will be valid after your teacher’s reading confirmation.
      Reschedules are available if your teacher has open slots on their calendar.
      Rescheduled lessons can’t be rescheduled again and must be attended by the holder of the lesson.

We have you convered!
If you can’t attend a rescheduled lesson, you may watch our Special Activities Libraries, older lessons in your Youtube Playlist, schedule an Office Hour, and use the Follow-up to continue your practice and clarify any questions that may come up until your next lesson.

Long vacation periods (more than 2 weeks) and permanent schedule changes must be informed to your teacher as soon as possible. We can’t guaranty reschedules, but we may have a few options to solve it.

Single Lessons – student absence
     🗸 try to prepone your lesson – rescheduling calendar
     🗸 ask the instructor to change it to a recorded lesson, upload your last practices to YouTube or Vimeo, and send them the links

Purchase and Cancellation

A new plan may be purchased at any time of the year.
The payment happens via PayPal, bank transfer, or Wise before the beginning of the lessons

Our learning plans are non-refundable.
Non the less, if you are in your first 3 months and had no more than 9 x 55min or 18 x 25min lessons, we can convert your annual plan into a ChopInTrial Learning Plan.
If you can’t continue attending the lessons, you may transfer the remaining of your learning plan to another person (once).

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