PianoClass on Paper

Much more than just a simple edition, PianoClass on Paper is a record of the art made here, specifically designed for those who will bring this record back to life: the musicians – both students and professionals.


Digital editions
to enlight
your musical


Books to read, watch, and listen to

Music, Literature, Philosophy, History, Learning … choose your topic and enjoy our editions.

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by Marcelo Arenas

  • Sheet music
  • Piano solo
  • Sol Major
  • PDF format
  • Portuguese

More information and samples

  • Text book
  • 16 original pieces for piano
  • 160 pages
  • PDF format
  • Portuguese

More information and samples

by Bruno Angelo

  • 3 pieces
  • Piano solo
  • PDF format
  • Portuguese

More information and samples

  • Sheet music and text
  • Original arrangement in Re Major
  • Original Aquarel by XXX
  • xx pages
  • PDF format
  • Portuguese

More information and samples

  • Text + video link
  • 15 pages
  • PDF format
  • Portuguese

More information and samples

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